Sound Installations

Schlossmediale_Werdenberg_webLINEA ALBA

On the floor in a square room with light walls stands the most ethnic form of the sounding floor, Xala. A raft-like object with 24 sounding boards made of wood and metal. The instrument is raised, is accessible and can be played.
As counterpart, scattered throughout the room, 150, 170cm. long, light wooden staves are attached to the ceiling by the knots used to swing them with. The staves are brought into motion by the movements of the visitors and hit each other. A filigree continuum of sound ensues. Individual staves can be used to play on the Xala. This creates the connection between high and low, between heaven and earth. Consciously introduced sound impulses complement the fine, random knocking of the hanging staves.

The title of the sound installation: LINEA ALBA (latin: white line) stems from terminology used in anatomy and indicates a vertical line of tissue in the middle of the belly. It references the vertical stave, the erect posture of the human body and the gravity that  works against upward movements.

Requested by Schlossmediale Werdenberg 2014